YoU ThInK YoU KnOw... BuT YoU HaVe No IdEa... ThIs Is ThE LiFe Of mArCus ChArLes.... <---- :::____________________________________::: ---->

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Saturday Night Out.. Still Did not help..

today.. or maybe to say a few hours ago, jus met up with KHim Leng, ashley , ashley's cousin and huzaifah.. its the first time that huzaifah is joinin us for this coffee thingy.. haha.. well his presence was rather good but felt rather guilty at times when we accidently spoke chinese so yar.. no heart feelins my gd man...

next i was rather touched by Khim leng becoz as u can see from my previous posts that i will definitely go down even if none of them are free, khim leng told me not to be sad and that he'll be joinin me.. RESPECT.. now thats call gd stuff.. so in the end we ended up with five ppl instead of one.. played pool before we had our coffee.. and it was tough cos ashley's cousin was hella pro man.. i was so threatened when i saw how he shot the ball.. but i won la in the end.. hehe.. lucky me..

gossshhh school is so gonna start real soon.. i'm still rushin through my homework.. plus even though the night out had ended, i still felt the same.. usually i would feel great after comin back from the coffee night out.. bt i still have the heavy heart feelin.. my my.. wad's gonna happen next? *sighs*

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