todAY.. Its the day where most of the things were done first time.! it was the first time i sat pillion behind leh.. and it was also the first time bon was also being fetched by hilmi.. ahahaha.. it was kinda cool actually.. and also a lil scary at times.. but, like wad most books love describing.. havin the wind goin against ur face la bla bla bla.. it was somehow exactly the same.. hahaha.. and it was fun indeed.. =)
i jus uploaded some pics tat we took together wit the vespa's.. feel free to click on the link to chk it out.. hahaha.. and i think thats abt all..
and ppl.. do take care!! weather has been changin really oddly somehow.. and i'm havin sore throat..!! life kinda suck now.. bOoOOoo.!! enjoy the pics.!! ooh oh.. credits given to VIXIO MEDIA..!!! =)
[ An Apple To My Eye... Always.. =) ]