ok.. alright.. this is totally sucky.. stupid.. bad lousy.. cindy told me that mr gabriel chin called me "kana sai"??.. oh well.. i guess it probably because i'm english educated and my O's results for english turned out to be a real disappointment.. why can't just people think that i'm not that perfect afterall.. fine.. my reason.. i guess it is because during the time of the examination i made a wrong move and chose the wrong composition question to write on.. and i actually felt i wrote out of point.. but when i found out all was too late?... so i guess that was what that brought my marks down for the overall english result.. but, i just can get over the fact that he called me "kana sai" in translation its "full of shit".. ok.. fine he called me full of shit.. can anyone tell me what kind of TEACHER this person is???.. is he F****** human??.. somehow they just down feel that i've been upset about the results that i got more than ever.. and still they want to bring someone down to this stage.. trust me.. i think in their hearts they are laughin at me for gettin such results.. hey, i'm suprise about my results myself.. i'll prove all u shit heads wrong one day.. F*** you..
never been angry and upset in my whole entire life.. especially when u look up to that person.. u filled urself with shit.. now u r full of shit.. lost RESPECT for this teacher.. Mr Gabriel Chin.. disappointing indeed.. of all people.. YOU just had to be the one..
learned more about life this few days.. choices and decisions.. its real important.. the wrong move u take or make will or might end you up in a real terrible state..
[ We'LL KeEP ThINgS NIcE AnD SweET... I wAnna Be ApPrEciAtEd By YoU... ]