____::: ----> YoU ThInK YoU KnOw... BuT YoU HaVe No IdEa... ThIs Is ThE LiFe Of mArCus ChArLes.... <---- :::________________________________

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Jus BLuR Me Up... ThaNK YOU...

i've gt the nicest ppl out there who really cares abt me... its really nice to have em though... so nice that my ex colleages gave me a ring today.. awww.. niccceeee.... hehehe...

ok.. now for the worst crap.. ppl.. y is it that some times ppl jus don give a shit abt u?.. life.. love.. things that ppl do.. stuuupppiiiddd... wanna date someone also so jia lat.. why is this so.. well.. its because its hard to say no to that person cos u r so afraid to hurt that one person.. well... if u don wanna go out wit him.. jus tell him tat u don wanna go out wit him.. DON put HIM on HOLD... i mean its silly to jus give someone the happy feelin and waitin for the day to come especially with the plans he has for her..but in d end she ends up goin out with another guy..

i can't believe that that we three dudes are somehow like total losers in life.. the gals that we go for can't seem to understand how much they mean to us.. is like they take us for granted or somethin.. they jus don know that every single thing they say or do jus mean soo much to us.. the power of love huh.. so much for it.. LOVELY...

[ i don get wad u mean.. if u don wanna go out wit me its alright or is it because i can't confirm whether i can make it?.. or if u r waitin for someone else to get u out for valentines day its ok, i understand.. i'm sorry for nt being able to meet ur standards... follow ur heart for the ans... =) ]



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